Cap & Gown Portraits with Family in New Brunswick NJ
Cap & Gown Portraits with Family in New Brunswick NJ
During graduation season this spring, I provided a fun combo session experience for a recent grad. Jordy graduated from Rutgers University and wanted to celebrate his accomplishment with cap and gown portraits. He also wanted to bring his family to his session, which I thought was a great idea!

We decided to meet for their cap and gown and family portraits on Rutgers campus in New Brunswick.
His family traveled from Connecticut for the weekend, but it was a very rainy few days.
Thankfully, I only book one session a day. So, if it looks like it will rain during our scheduled time, we can always scoot our session time earlier or later!
We found a perfect time when it was not too rainy and went ahead with the photoshoot.

My client Jordy selected the exact locations to meet. I loved his choices! Rutgers campus is huge, and it can be a bit overwhelming to choose a location. But Jordy was fully prepared and chose some locations within walking distance.
We did some solo shots of him in his cap and gown. He was wearing an important family ring on his hand, and I made sure to highlight it in his cap close-up.

I adored meeting his family! They were a lot of fun and they brought sunshine on this cloudy day.
Spring is the perfect time to get together with family to celebrate your accomplishments, especially for graduation. If you want your own cap & gown and family portrait session, fill out my contact form so we can get started!
Talk soon,